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  WebConnector is a multi-task manager for variable printing. It works with VariPrint and let VariPrint to be the background variable job production engine. It uses input hot folders to connect
the front ERP or Data Center to fulfill the whole workflow automation.

How to use WebConnector? The first step is to design the project files for different jobs by VarPrint, then use WebConnector to set up data input hot folder, output folder and other printing
properties for each job, then connect these setting with the project file. Start WebConnector and let it standby. When a new data come into the input hot folder, it will trigger VariPrint to generate the printing and save PDFs to output folder automatically in the background without artificial interference or manually operation.

    Working with TAGProof
    WebConnector can also work with Haiyaa TAGProof and let the TAGProof as the background cloth label proofing artwork generation engine. It is always used in the connection with the user's front side web-based order platform and provide online proofing service by using this way.
    Who need it?
    The users have many different kinds of variable job to generate frequently, the templates are fixed, only variable data. It is very suitable for e-commerce and web-to-print user.
    Sample Guide

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