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  PDFVerifier is an independent utility that is used to verify imposed multiple-page variable job PDFs with its original data file. It is the last check of the PDF before ripping, to guarantee the 100% match of the PDF and data file to avoid barcode repetition, lost and error printing.

Note: The current version is only available to verify the barcode types as follows, QR, Datamatrx, EAN8, UPCE, ISBN10, UPCA, EAN13, ISBN13, I25, CODE39, CODE128. Don't support text check. It reads the barcode value using OCR.

  1. High speed
  2. Complex background makes no difference to speed.
  3. Any layout style makes no difference to speed.
  4. Fully data loop verify instead of using counter.
  5. Generate a report of problem barcode.
  6. Read the barcode value using OCR.

Testing job

1 million pcs of label with ONE QR whatever it is B/W or colorful, whatever the background is blank or complex vector image.

Check time:

Less than 14 minutes.

    Who need it?
    Label producers who want a system to avoid barcode repetition, lost and error printing when producing a big volume variable barcode label job.
    Sample guide

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